Thorne Harbour Country
596 Hargreaves Street
Bendigo VIC 3550
Thorne Harbour Country provides support, counselling, rapid HIV testing, resources and information around LGBTI wellbeing, HIV, Hepatitis C and sexual health across the Loddon Mallee. Operating out of the Community Hub, Thorne Harbour Country provides a safe place for the LGBTI community to connect and access information resources and referral services.
The Thorne Harbour Country Community Hub is open for drop ins. The Community Hub offers a safe and supportive space for LGBTI people and PLHIV. Some of the current services and supports include:
- Professional counselling for LGBTI people and PLHIV
- One-on-one peer support for gay, bi and queer men including trans men, around, HIV, sex and sexual health
- Monthly HIV+ peer support group
- Information and referral for LGBTI community
- LGBTI social inclusive morning tea group
- PRONTO! rapid HIV testing
The Community Hub also provides a space for LGBTI and PLHIV groups to use as a safe meeting place. This is offered free of charge and is available to all LGBTI and PLHIV specific groups in the area.
Service Hours : 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday
Cost : Our fees are based on a sliding scale depending on income, however no one will be turned away due to a lack of funds
Client Type : Youth, Parents and Carers